Arduino - Display Temperature and Humidity using LCD Nextion

project ini untuk nampilkan suhu sama kelembapan di lcd sudah ada menunya buat setting, untuk video bisa di lihat di link berikut

untuk source code bisa didownload di sini


i make Display temperature and humidity using LCD Nextion and arduino, this item i use :
- lcd nextion
- Sensor dht
- Arduino Uno
- Buzzer
- cables
in this video i not using english, iam sorry because my english not good
in this project you can find menu button's with humidity,temperature and alarm button's,
humidity button's for setting dry and moise, temperature for cold and hot,
alarm button's for notif if humidity < moist or >dry or temperature < cold or > hot, i using buzzer for give notif
you can setting on or off if you dont want make some noise from buzzer
in main menu you can find humidity and temperature and condition humidity and temperature, and show status for sensor dht, if sensor not connected, buzzer will going on, if you setting alarm for on, if not, buzzer not going on, and if connected, buzzer going off, this system is going slowly


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    1. mantap bgt gan..... sayang HMI nya belum ada gan..
      bisakah bagi HMI nya gan...
      dan bisa agan bikin pwm led dan power on/off dengan dual stat button dengan arduino melalui nextion touchscreen? klo bisa mohon bimbinganya gan di
      terimakasih banyak sebelumnya gan...

  2. permisi gan cara bikin menu di lcd nextion gmn ya ?


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